Women clothing what exchange 25
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Southern Exchange Company.Search.MEN.Expand submenu MEN Collapse submenu MEN.Clothing Expand submenu Women Collapse submenu Women.Clothing Proweave Super Heavyweight Sweatshirt - OATMEAL and NAVY — Regular price $25 + Loop Fleece - Heather Grey.
All women's clothing, activewear, partywear, outerwear, shoes, jewelry, handbags, and accessories.Thanks for your understanding.Women clothing what exchange 25 Women's Clothing - Best Dress Log out of MyCM and click our button above to log in again.You will now have our print code.We also accept holiday decor appropriate to the selling season.Let us help YOU revamp your wardrobe!
Make a new tag if you make a mistake or want to change the price.Do not make any handwritten changes or corrections to your tags.By sorting prior to entering, you will save a lot of time because you will only have to reenter the price and description for each similar item.You may drop off your tagged items at any of the designated drop off times.Transferring Items from a Previous Sale? An appointment is only necessary if you have or more items - contact us.
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We also accept holiday decor appropriate to the selling season.All items must look new or nearly new and be a top namebrand.You will then place your items on the appropriate rack or table so they are ready for our shoppers! Our Consignor Contract may be downloaded here.Must be attached to cardstock paper with the tag attached securely to the back of the cardstock.Don't permanently attach items to hangers using fasteners.
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Don't permanently attach items to hangers using fasteners.Also, please note that if you do not pick up any items during the designated pick up time, they will automatically be donated regardless of what is indicated on the tag.If you haven't consigned with us before, you will create an account in MyConsignmentManager.Log out of MyCM and click our button above to log in again.Please do not use your number from another sale if it doesn't match this numbering system.If you tie an identifying ribbon or piece of colored tape on the neck of your hanger, it may help you to find any of your remaining items at pick-up time.
WOMEN'S: All women's clothing, activewear, partywear, outerwear, shoes, jewelry, handbags, and accessories.Styles must be current and items must be in v ery good to excellent condition and in-season.

On Sunday, all items will go half price.Log out of MyCM and click our button above to log in again.If you haven't consigned with us before, you will create an account in MyConsignmentManager.Too hard to try on.We recommend not using baggies since shoppers will want to try them on and will remove them from the bags.Don't safety pin to hanger.